Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

Tonight was so much fun. We went to Dusty's sister's house (Kim) and did our annual Christmas Eve party. Kim and her family just built thier new house not long ago and decided to host the festivities this year. The house was very nice. We got the grand tour and the most exciting feature is the custom bathroom which has a glass shower, garden tub, beautiful marble, and his/her closets. Very sheek.

I dressed Noah in a little outfit that made him look like he was going to church and everyone kept asking him what the sermon was going to be about. Too funny. Livi wore a little dress that I found that looked like the one I had when I was little. They were both very cute.
We ate our usual feast of Sandwiches, Chips, Dips, and the always favorite selection of fine deserts. We all visited, ate, then started passing out the presents. Noah was in a tizzy trying to figure out what was going on. He started taking all of his presents and sitting on them because I guess he thought they were chairs.
When the big present opening moment came, all the kids went crazy. Bub needed a little help, but figured out how to unwrap everything pretty quick.
Livi went after her presents right off, but she just wanted the paper. That child will go for the paper every time.
They both got quite a few presents and I think they both had a good time even though we stayed well past their bedtime.
Everyone seemed to be having a great time.
One of our nephews got a helicopter and since the ceiling was so high, we all got to see it work. Several people got hit, including Noah, but it didn't hurt anyone and actually when Noah got hit, he cracked up. It was hilarious.
Noah and his cousin Gavin got out their chairs that they got as presents and were taking them around the room and ploping down in them. Noah accidentally got too close to the Christmas tree and it almost toppled over when he fell out of the chair. That's Noah for you, he's very clumsy. Livi had her share of clumsiness with Noah's chair too and fell over several times as well, but both of them got up and laughed afterwards.
To my embaressment, Livi got ahold of my cup and as she grabbed it, I took it away and with her other hand, she grabbed Dusty's cup and ice and tea flew onto the carpet and in Dusty's dad's christmas bag. I was horrified because it got all over the gift bag and carpet. Thank goodness Kim was cool about it. Despite my children's clumsiness, it was a wonderful night. I can't wait until the morning and they open their gifts from us & Santa. :)

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