Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Angel Baby

It's been a while since I've posted, but I have to get something out in the open. I lost my baby on November 28th. I'm sure everyone's asking "What? She was pregnant?" Yes, I found out November 12th after I took four pregnancy tests. It was a shock, but an exciting turn of events. I got it confirmed by the doctor on November 22nd, but we hadn't told anyone yet except for my friends at work (I couldn't resist).

I couldn't resist and bought this ornament for the 5th new addition to the family.

On November 27th, I came home from work around 7am and woke up around 10am and had sharp stabbing pains in my abdomen. When I woke up, I came into the living room and Noah saw me and said "MOMMY" really loud, so I took the time to love on him before going back to bed and hoped that the pains I was having  was nothing.

Around 2 o'clock, I woke up, still in pain and went to the bathroom. Dusty and the kids were asleep. I went to the bathroom and there was some blood. I let Dusty wake up on his own because I knew what the blood meant. He kissed me and told me that it was nothing, even though we both knew what it was. I went to work thinking that I was having a miscarriage, and figured it would pass, so I didn't tell anyone.

Around 8:00pm, I was hurting really bad on my right side, so I told my friend Jerri and she said to go to the ER, but I told her that I would be ok and that I would talk to the charge nurse when she got out of the delivery she was in. I finally told the charge nurse and she told me what Jerri said, go to the ER. They got me to a bed right away. I'm not sure how I made it because as soon as I got a bed, I almost collapsed in pain. I couldn't breath much less think. They did a cath UA, pap, ultrasound, etc. The doc came back and said that they couldn't find the baby in the ultrasound. WHAT??? Where the heck was the baby? They finally moved me to the unit on 3 east to be observed overnight and to re check my labs in the morning. My friend AO and April came to see me around 2 am and it was so awesome to have them there. Made me feel good despite what was happening. In the morning, the news came that I would need surgery to remove my baby becuase it was an ectopic pregnancy. Dusty couldn't come because we only had one car, which was in the parking garage, and there was no one to watch the kids. It was a little sad not to have him there, but what could he really do, but wait? Before I could think, I was whisked away to surgery. When I woke up, I could hardly breathe. My throat was dry, I hurt all over, and the thought losing my baby and my fallopien tube made me sad. At the moment, I feel a little lost, and don't know what else to say.

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