Thursday, May 8, 2014

As bad luck would have it

Well, I am in a bit of a pickle. I fell of a ladder and dislocated my knee. I tore the ligament holding my patella so I am stuck in a knee brace. My MRI is scheduled for Monday and then surgery. I tore one if not all four ligaments. It was a freak accident and rare the doctors said because I twisted it and dislocated it. Not good news for my poor ligaments that are probably hanging on by a string...

Dusty has been my rock tho. Since I can't walk, I'm stuck in my chair day and night which is beginning to really suck. He has to wait on me hand and foot which is great, but with two kids plus me, I'm sure that's putting a lot of stress on him so I'm trying hard to do what I can for myself. 

He was so sweet and painted my nails for me on my bad foot before my follow up appt yesterday. The kids have been drawing me get well pictures...

And Gypsy has been keeping me company at night when everyone is asleep...

I'm so ready to get the surgery scheduled so I can start recovering for nursing school in August. I wanted the summer off to spend with the kids, but not like this. :(

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Back at it

So it's been a while. So hopefully I can pick up where I left off. I still have my sweet Bub....

My sweet poot...

My loving husband...who wishes to remain 

But things have changed. Been dealing with a lot and the best solution is to talk about it...Right? I have been struggling between school, name it. I am at a cross road. I applied for the nursing program for the Spring 2014 semester and was a tad bit short on points...I got to one person before me and remained on the alternate list. Real bummer. So that was just the beginning of my bad luck. My mom found a hoarding, alcoholic boyfriend when I moved her to her new apartment a few months ago. And we went from her taking her meds all the time to barely taking them at all now. She's drinking again and not taking care of her self. I'm just trying to pick up where my sister left off...and that's to try to take care of mom. I give her everything she asks for and she doesn't ask for much but dealing with her is hard. My therapist is encouraging me to let her be and to clean my own house as opposed to moms. But here's the deal...who's gonna be picking that mess up if she died? Me. That's who. 
Here's her apartment today. Had to try really hard not to clean her mess up...

I miss my mom. She was doing so good till she got with this new boyfriend. But I'm trying to let things be. My counselor agrees that mom can help herself but chooses not to. I just have to deal with it. It's hard. ;(