Saturday, August 13, 2011

Long time no see

So, it's been a little while since I blogged, but don't worry, I've got a recap for ya. I've been busy, busy trying to get things ready to start college this fall semester. In my usual procrastinating style, I waited till the last minute to register for college. So I have been scrambling to try to get all my paper work together, but I did it!! I officially start college on August 22nd!!! If you didn't know, I'm going to be a nurse!!! I'm super excited. My hopes are to work in Labor and Delivery or NICU. Clinicals might change my mind, but for now, birthing babies is my passion. I just love the thought of bringing a baby into this world. It's such a miricle.

So now for the recap...
We finally went to the Great East Texas Balloon Race in Longview. I have always wanted to go, but it's always so hot and seemed so far away. But since we have little ones now, I just knew they would be in awe at the whole thing. We spent about $30 on fair food then settled down in the field with tons of other spectators.
It was so HOT, but as soon as the ballons started going up, they blocked the sun and made it so much better!! Sadly, Noah and I got ate up by ants, but it didn't stop us from being super excited over the balloons.
When the sun finally set, all the ballons that hadn't already been put up, went up. It was a site. We were right in the middle of the field, so all around us were awesome balloons!! A few times, the Wells Fargo ballon which was massive, kept sinking on one side and scared the heck out of some kids. We were pretty close and a few times I thought we were gonna have to pick up and run because it got really low. Thankfully, just in the nick of time, it would go back up. Maybe they did it for show? It was funny none the less. (If you'll look at the pic below, you can see how far it would dip down).

It was past the kids bedtime, so they were both lounging on the sleeping bag and in the stroller. It was a blast. I was so sad that when the balloon glow started, my camera ran out of battery, so I wasn't able to capture it on film. It was simply amazing. Oh well, maybe next year. Here's a video of what a balloon glow looks like in case you've never been.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Noah's Drawings

Noah and Olivia both bring home drawings from daycare and I look at it and usually put it away in my memory box. Lately, we've noticed some of his drawings have some notes on the side that tell what the drawing is. We thought it was just hilarious because there's no way of knowing what the squiggle is and someone actually wrote what it was on the paper. Too funny!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Getting Down on the way to daycare

There's nothing I love more than taking the kids to daycare. We turn the music up and watch them dance and b-bop till we reach daycare. This isn't the best video of them dancing, but it gives you an idea of why it's one of my favorite things. Sometimes they b-bop so much they shake the whole car! (Oh and by the way, Dusty was videoing while I was driving...gotta be safe with these babies, ya know?)