Since daycare was closed today, we thought we'd take the kids to McDonalds to play and then go to the zoo. We got the kids ready, packed the baby bag, put the stroller in the garage, and opened the was misting and dreary outside!! Bummer. So, even though the zoo was out of the question, we went on to Mickey D's. Noah has never been in the playground there, so with fingers crossed, we took his little shoes off and showed him the entrance. Luckily there were some other little girls for Bub to play with and they showed him how to climb. Unfortunatlly, he got up to the top and the little girls went on down, do he didn't know what to do. The mom of the girls was trying to tell the oldest one to take his hand and show hiim where to go, but by that time poor Bub was crying and scared, so Dusty had to save the day and go up and get him. I luckily captured it all on the camera...I know that sounds bad that I was taking pictures while my child was balling, but I was hoping he would figure out how to get down. After we got him down, he stayed at the entrance and jumped around, but never went back up to the top. It was an experience. :)

"These girls are the coolest!"
"Hello there momma!"
Bub's meltdown...
Daddy came to the rescue!!!
Sister's entertainment was taking off her socks and eating them. :)
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