Lately, Noah has been a Big Whiny baby. Not to sound like a mean or bad mom, but what is this new stage all about? For example... I got home this morning and helped Dusty get the kids ready by fixing Bub's lunch. He had a granola square in front of him, munching away, but as soon as I got the cheese out to fix him a grilled cheese for lunch, he started whining. So, I gave him a slice of cheese. Everything was allright till I finished the grilled cheese and he started whining for that (I'm guessing). Dustin called for me, so I left Bub in the floor to throw his tantrum over the grilled cheese. He was still crying in the floor when I came back to the kitchen! So, I thought I'd count to 3.......didn't work. I tried to get with him face to face and explain that he needed to eat what he had in front of him......didn't work. So, I took him to the corner and told him that until he stopped crying, he would not get out of the corner. It WORKED!!! What the heck??? For being a big boy, I gave him his cup that has a straw in it and let him drink his juice out of it (straw drinks are rewards to Bub...what a simple child, lol). Maybe this time out thing really works. I hope it wasn't a fluke. I believe spare the rod, spoil the child.......but, and I mean BIG BUT, Noah is a little fellow who is just now learning things. Spanking him too much now can affect his self esteem, right? Any how, I'm trying to limit my "Roddings".
Saturday was the same thing, he threw a fit that he couldn't play with sister's tummy time splash toy and for the first time, he was going to intentionally hit her, so I interveined and swatted his arm. I felt so bad, but what do I do? In the end, after I got her up off the toy, I let him play with it for a while. I caught his meltdown on camera. Let me just say, parenthood is not as easy as some people would make you believe. :)
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