Saturday, April 10, 2010

Labor Story

After a short nights sleep, we woke up and got to the Emergency Room at 5:00am. I got checked in and got in the classic booty showing hospital gown and they began inducing me. They checked me and I was already dialated to a five without any help. Dustin, my mom, and my sister Mary waited with me while I was in labor. When I dialated to a six and a half, they gave me an epidural. Dr. Burk broke my water shortly after that, around 9:30. About an hour after the epidural went in, I started feeling a pain in my right side. I was thinking that it wasn't going to work again like last time, but they adjusted the epidural and it took away the pain. They had me wear an oxygen mask because the baby was getting in a bind at times. Just when we called and told the family to take their time getting there, it was looking like it was going to take a while, Dr. Burk checked me and I was dialated to a nine and a half. So, they got everything set up and I began pushing when I got to a ten. I pushed maybe two times and Olivia was here. Dr. Burk was amazed at how well I did and said that babies didn't normally just "slip" out like that. He commended my uterus for being so I was so amazed at how simple it was. They laid her on my chest first thing and feverishly cleaned her off. Dustin got to cut the cord this time. It was magical. I counted her little fingers and toes and they were all there. They whisked her away to clean her up and get her ready for her debut to the family. She was born at 11:34am and was 7 lbs 12 oz and was 20 inches long.

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