Saturday, April 3, 2010

Noah's 1st Easter Egg Hunt

Well, we got invited to go Easter Egg hunting at Dustin's Aunt Lisa's church in Overton. We were so excited that it was Noah's first egg hunt. We got to the church with Noah's twelve little filled eggs and waited for the egg hunt to start. We walked down to the house down the road where the annual easter egg hunt is held and has been done here for the past twenty years or so. Pretty unique story. Apparently this old lady wanted the hunt to be held there even after she died. Her spirit lived on at the hunt today they said...kinda eerie.

Noah had a little trouble to start, but he soon figured it out. Poor little thing figured it out too late because all the eggs were gone by the time he got the hang of it. But since he wasn't going to eat the eggs anyways, we kept throwing them on the ground and he would pick them up.

It was so awesome to watch him in his first egg hunt. Dusitn and I were thinking back to when we were little and how neat it was to do all this kind of stuff and how neat it is to have a child of our own. We're looking forward to next year when Olivia can hunt eggs with her big brother. It's going to be a blast.

Update on baking Olivia:
I've been having a few contractions and was a bit scared last night that it was time, but the contractions stopped. This morning before the egg hunt they started again, but went away. I'm ready for her to come, but at the same time, I want her to stay in there. Once she gets here things are going to be so different.

Noah and me posing before the hunt.

Bub scoping out the competition and the loot.

Noah's first candy in the basket.

Bub wanting to go the wrong way

Me and Lisa trying to show Bub the eggs.

Oh look, an egg!!

Examining the egg for quality purposes.

Trying to eat the plastic egg...classic.

A melt down caught on camera...

Daddy giving Bub a bite of chocolate.

Daddy walking away unknowingly a melt down is about to happen.

Bub wanting more chocolate.

Bub falling because he's so mad that he can't get to the chocolate.

Still coming for more chocolate.

Finally, some chocolate!

All better now...melt down contained.

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