Friday, April 30, 2010
Old friend
Today I took Olivia to Rusk again to see an old friend named Chealsea that used to work with my sister Mary at Pizza Hut. She and her boyfriend just had a new baby named Blake a day after Olivia was born, so I was taking her some boy clothes and a bouncer. 
Dustin and I figured out that Olivia needed a pacifier. We had tried several different things to calm her down, but she was always grumpy and cried pretty much all the time. My sister Crystal told me that the soothie pacifiers were a life saver, but I didn't think that a different type of pacifier would work, but sure enough, she doesn't hardly cry now that we got that pacifier. I am so happy because I was about to go crazy!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Photo Shoot
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Gardening Season
Well, I don't claim to have a green thumb, but I thought I would try my luck at planting some flowers this year. A few years ago, I did the same thing, but because I didn't water the flowers, they died and I said never again. But, alas, I got a wild hair up my butt and thought I'd try it again.

A before picture of my flower garden

Livi helping momma out

Dustin and Bub watching me plant while trying out Bub's new harness buddy

Monday, April 19, 2010
Olivia's first bath
Olivia's belly button fell off today, so that meant that it was time for her first bath!!! Of course, she was none too happy to be naked and vulnerable, but we got through it.

Me about to scrub a dub dub Livi...yeah I look like crap. Don't judge.

Livi not enjoying the bath one bit

All better now

My little "Fuzzy Head"
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Too Funny for Words
Saturday, April 17, 2010
How Cute!
Since we had Olivia, there is never a dull moment in our house. Bubaloo is always trying to catch our attention since he doesn't get it much anymore. We try to give him equal attention, but sometimes, it's just not that easy. We're letting Noah have a little more exposure to Olivia, but he still hasn't figured out that he can hurt her. He loves to climb up in my lap when I'm holding her and pull her little toes or pinch her fat little hams. We had Olivia sitting up on the couch on her boppy tonight and we got some really good pictures of Bubaloo trying to love on her. This is definetly getting more fun.

Bubaloo cheesin

Noah trying to smother Sister

Noah trying to pick up Sister

"Help me MOMMA!!

Getting a closer look
Friday, April 16, 2010
About Town
Today Olivia and I got out and went to Rusk for a little while to deliver some headbands to a coworker.

Anthony and Melissa posing in my office with Olivia
We stopped in and visited my friends at work and then we went to Pizza Hut to see my sister Mary and meet up with my sister Crystal. Doc Doc, Destiny, and DeeAnn came and they were enjoying seeing Olivia. Crystal made Dustin and me some spaghetti to take home for dinner. She is such a good cook. I honestly don't see how she gets her food to come out so yummy...much better than mine. It was nice getting to see the kids, it's been a while. I don't get to go see them as much since I have kids of my own. Oh the joys of trying to do things with kids!! I've learned that it isn't as easy as it looks. I wouldn't trade it for nothing though.

Mimi with Olivia

Crystal with Doc Doc

Me, Destiny, and Olivia

All the kiddos posing
We stopped in and visited my friends at work and then we went to Pizza Hut to see my sister Mary and meet up with my sister Crystal. Doc Doc, Destiny, and DeeAnn came and they were enjoying seeing Olivia. Crystal made Dustin and me some spaghetti to take home for dinner. She is such a good cook. I honestly don't see how she gets her food to come out so yummy...much better than mine. It was nice getting to see the kids, it's been a while. I don't get to go see them as much since I have kids of my own. Oh the joys of trying to do things with kids!! I've learned that it isn't as easy as it looks. I wouldn't trade it for nothing though.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
It's like riding a bike...
We spent the day at the shop working on orders that have acumulated. It was Olivia's first time and she slept right through it. I guess the embroidery machine lules little babies to sleep because when Dustin kept Noah, he slept all the time too. She's so cute. She starts grunting and wiggling around and then she's ready to be fed. I love watching her try to wake herself up. I love my sweet little newborn bebe!!!
Livi sleeping with her mouth open like her
A week has past since Olivia was born and it has been interesting to say the least. Up every two hours to eat, trial and error with the whole breast feeding thing, and trying to catch some zzz's while she's asleep. I can't say that I miss this stage a whole lot, but it has been an amazing week.
Dusty holding his baby Olivia

Look at how cute Olivia is
When we first brought Livi home, the first thing Noah did was bop her on her head and made her cry. The first of many bops, I assume. So, we are keeping him at a distance right now until he gets more adjusted. Over the last few days, he went from not wanting anything to do with her, to slowly coming over and seeing what she's up to. He likes to slowly sneak up and grab a toe or two. He has officially said Sissy, although it sounds like a high squeak "Sitszy". It's too cute. He's grabbed her bottle a few times and I'm almost sure he's drank out of it, but I can't be for sure. He keeps handing it to me when I ask, so it's not too big of a deal. Noah has been throwing more and more tantrums over the last week as well. Not that we don't care, but we just look at him and then look at each other and go back to what we were doing. What can you do when he throws a tantrum? It's a new phase we're going through that is only going to get worse as time goes on.
I feel as though Noah thinks that I don't love him anymore. I can't really pick him up yet because everyone keeps telling me you're not supposed to lift after you have a baby. So, to keep everyone from jumping out of their skin, I'm trying to not lift him. Last night, he wanted some love, so I had Dustin pick him up and put him in my lap. He drank AJ out of his sippy cup on one arm while Olivia drank her baba on my other arm. It was a very special moment, one of many I hope.

My sweet babies

Noah slyly looking at sister
As far as me and Dustin goes, I don't know how much more I can love him. Everyone keeps telling us that we make beautiful babies and it makes us so happy to hear that. They are both little blessings. I feel that having these two children have made us even more in love. Gag all you want to, but I really do feel that way. I can't imagine anyone more amazing than him. He and I are in over our head with two kids, but you know what? At least we have each other to lean on when times get rough.
A week has past since Olivia was born and it has been interesting to say the least. Up every two hours to eat, trial and error with the whole breast feeding thing, and trying to catch some zzz's while she's asleep. I can't say that I miss this stage a whole lot, but it has been an amazing week.
When we first brought Livi home, the first thing Noah did was bop her on her head and made her cry. The first of many bops, I assume. So, we are keeping him at a distance right now until he gets more adjusted. Over the last few days, he went from not wanting anything to do with her, to slowly coming over and seeing what she's up to. He likes to slowly sneak up and grab a toe or two. He has officially said Sissy, although it sounds like a high squeak "Sitszy". It's too cute. He's grabbed her bottle a few times and I'm almost sure he's drank out of it, but I can't be for sure. He keeps handing it to me when I ask, so it's not too big of a deal. Noah has been throwing more and more tantrums over the last week as well. Not that we don't care, but we just look at him and then look at each other and go back to what we were doing. What can you do when he throws a tantrum? It's a new phase we're going through that is only going to get worse as time goes on.
I feel as though Noah thinks that I don't love him anymore. I can't really pick him up yet because everyone keeps telling me you're not supposed to lift after you have a baby. So, to keep everyone from jumping out of their skin, I'm trying to not lift him. Last night, he wanted some love, so I had Dustin pick him up and put him in my lap. He drank AJ out of his sippy cup on one arm while Olivia drank her baba on my other arm. It was a very special moment, one of many I hope.
As far as me and Dustin goes, I don't know how much more I can love him. Everyone keeps telling us that we make beautiful babies and it makes us so happy to hear that. They are both little blessings. I feel that having these two children have made us even more in love. Gag all you want to, but I really do feel that way. I can't imagine anyone more amazing than him. He and I are in over our head with two kids, but you know what? At least we have each other to lean on when times get rough.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Just to see you smile
Olivia is a dream come true. Even though she wakes up every two hours to be fed, it is so easy to take care of her. I had fogotten how sleepy they are when they are first born. I'm not sure what we thought was so hard last time. I guess the newness of it and the whole not knowing what to do with a new baby.

Cute naked Olivia
I've been being bad. I have been letting her sleep with me. I can't help it though. After I feed her at night, she's so warm and cuddly. When I try to put her down in the bassinet, she wimpers and I can't let her wimper, so I snatch her up and craddle her in my arms until she wakes up again to be fed. Even in the dark, I can see her staring up at me and it makes me want to cry because I love her sooo much.
My sweet baby girl
I don't know what it is about her, but she is a special baby. I can't love one baby more than the other, that's the rule, but with Olivia, I just love looking into those little eyes and watching her watch me back. I don't know if I have such a strong bond with her because she might be my last baby or because she's my little princess. We still are unsure of another baby, so we're putting off getting fixed. We're definetly waiting a little longer than last time to get pregnant. But then again, we feel that keeping them close in age is important. Who knows. Maybe we should play that game, "If it happens, it happens". Wouldn't that be a hoot. Three under three. Don't know if either of us could handle that.
I've been being bad. I have been letting her sleep with me. I can't help it though. After I feed her at night, she's so warm and cuddly. When I try to put her down in the bassinet, she wimpers and I can't let her wimper, so I snatch her up and craddle her in my arms until she wakes up again to be fed. Even in the dark, I can see her staring up at me and it makes me want to cry because I love her sooo much.
I don't know what it is about her, but she is a special baby. I can't love one baby more than the other, that's the rule, but with Olivia, I just love looking into those little eyes and watching her watch me back. I don't know if I have such a strong bond with her because she might be my last baby or because she's my little princess. We still are unsure of another baby, so we're putting off getting fixed. We're definetly waiting a little longer than last time to get pregnant. But then again, we feel that keeping them close in age is important. Who knows. Maybe we should play that game, "If it happens, it happens". Wouldn't that be a hoot. Three under three. Don't know if either of us could handle that.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Entertaining the Folks
My mother visited today. Bub wasn't home yet, but she came over to wash her clothes and visit with Olivia. Her and her "friend" are having a rocky time right now and she needs her space, so she needs to borrow a washing machine. It's funny at times. I don't really care for this "friend", but it's what my mom wants. The funny thing about the whole situation is that my mom does this quite often. One week, it's fine and dandy with him and then the next, Bam, she needs space. I'm sure they'll work it out tommorow.

Mom with Olivia
We got invited over to Dustin's granny's house tonight. Dustin's parents, his Aunt Jackie and Lisa, his Uncle Stacy, and cousin Michelle were all over there and ready to see Ms. Olivia. I dressed her to the nines in a fluffy white dress with flowers on it that Barbara had got and put a huge bow in her hair. I love putting big fluffy bows on her. They're so cute!
Olivia just slept away and was passed from one eager arm to the next without so much as being disturbed. Babies are so lucky that way. I wonder if they ever get tired of being passed around and handled.


Aunt Jackie
Bub entertained everyone by trying to get into every drawer and cabinet that was in the house and ran away from everyone when they tried to get him. He's such a comedian. To keep Noah busy, Lisa took him outside to see the horses. He liked that. It was a good night. We'll have to visit with the folks more often.

Cousin Michelle trying to entertain Noah

Aunt Lisa showing Noah the horses
We got invited over to Dustin's granny's house tonight. Dustin's parents, his Aunt Jackie and Lisa, his Uncle Stacy, and cousin Michelle were all over there and ready to see Ms. Olivia. I dressed her to the nines in a fluffy white dress with flowers on it that Barbara had got and put a huge bow in her hair. I love putting big fluffy bows on her. They're so cute!
Olivia just slept away and was passed from one eager arm to the next without so much as being disturbed. Babies are so lucky that way. I wonder if they ever get tired of being passed around and handled.
Bub entertained everyone by trying to get into every drawer and cabinet that was in the house and ran away from everyone when they tried to get him. He's such a comedian. To keep Noah busy, Lisa took him outside to see the horses. He liked that. It was a good night. We'll have to visit with the folks more often.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Labor Story
After a short nights sleep, we woke up and got to the Emergency Room at 5:00am. I got checked in and got in the classic booty showing hospital gown and they began inducing me.
They checked me and I was already dialated to a five without any help. Dustin, my mom, and my sister Mary waited with me while I was in labor. When I dialated to a six and a half, they gave me an epidural. Dr. Burk broke my water shortly after that, around 9:30. About an hour after the epidural went in, I started feeling a pain in my right side. I was thinking that it wasn't going to work again like last time, but they adjusted the epidural and it took away the pain. They had me wear an oxygen mask because the baby was getting in a bind at times.
Just when we called and told the family to take their time getting there, it was looking like it was going to take a while, Dr. Burk checked me and I was dialated to a nine and a half. So, they got everything set up and I began pushing when I got to a ten. I pushed maybe two times and Olivia was here. Dr. Burk was amazed at how well I did and said that babies didn't normally just "slip" out like that. He commended my uterus for being so I was so amazed at how simple it was. They laid her on my chest first thing and feverishly cleaned her off. Dustin got to cut the cord this time. It was magical. I counted her little fingers and toes and they were all there. They whisked her away to clean her up and get her ready for her debut to the family. She was born at 11:34am and was 7 lbs 12 oz and was 20 inches long. 

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