Sunday, November 27, 2011

Plumbers Crack

Just had to share my daughter's plumber's crack, lol!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Thanksgiving was awesome as it alwasy is. This year we had turkey & ham!!! It was very special to spend it with the ones we love the most.

Great Aunt Lisa and Livi

Noah playing in the designated "toy room" :)

Mikey, Kim, and Kaylen

The best part of the visit. Paw Paw drawing bugs on my babies. When this tradition started, I don't know, but all paw paws should do this. :)

Sweet Carlie. Growing up way too fast.  

Candice and Lexi. Beauty Queens! :)

"Sure I'll go with you Aunt Kim!"

Look at sweet Gavin's smile!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

So, tonight we put up the ol Christmas Tree. It was a lot of fun. I bought Santa hats for us all and we played Christmas music. Somehow only Bub and I ended up with Santa hats on, but....Oh the memories...


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Oreo Turkeys

So tonight, Noah helped me make some edible turkey's for my friends at work. This was just practice for the ones I plan on taking to Dustin's family's house on Thanksgiving night.

Noah was so excited to help. He took the reeces out of the wrapper and put them in the bowl for me. He kept unwrapping them and then he'd look at me with such a cheesy smile and go back to work on unwrapping. MEMORIES!!! :)

What you'll need:
Candy Corn
Reeces mini peanut butter cups
Can of cream cheese icing
tube of white icing
tube of orange icing (I got mine after can just use the can icing and dye it orange with food coloring)
Double stuffed oreos (or I got Great Value oreos)
Black dot sprinkles
Zip lock bags

First start by putting the canned cream cheese icing into a sandwich bag. If you are awesome like that and actually own piping bags, do that. Cut a small hole in one corner of your piping (ziplock) bag.

Cut the tip off of the candy corn so that you have a beak and wings.

Gently remove one side of the cookie while leaving the icing on the other side. Place five candy corns into the filling to make a fan shape and then pipe a dollop of icing on the whole cookie and put the cookie back together. (Don't squeeze it back together too much!)


At the base of your cookie, you'll need to pipe a genourous amount of the canned icing to the bottom of your candy corn cookie. Don't worry about making it perfect. It's going to show the icing no mater what you do. :) Let it sit up for a while before you start adding to the next step.

Notice how this is not attatched to the base oreo. That is a matter of preference. I did it both ways and found that it was better to attatch the cookie to the base and let it sit up a while before adding on. Once it's set up a while, add a bit of canned icing to the middle and then gently press the peanut butter cup on.

Add a bit of canned icing to each side of the peanut butter cup and add the wings.

Put a bit of canned icing to the top of the peanut butter cup and add the Whopper. You may need to add a little icing behind the head as well.

Add the beak and pipe feet onto the base oreo.

For the eyes, use the tube icing and make two round dots above the beak. I was in a hurry, so I forgot to take a picture. Use your black sprinkles to add to the middle of the eye so you really make the turkey pop! Finish off with a bit of orange icing for the neck thingy. :)

Taa daa!!! Cute thanksgiving edible turkeys!!!   

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Taggie Blankets

So, ever since I bought my sewing machine with my Scentsy profit, I have been on a sewing kick if you haven't noticed. I've been having alot of fun. I remember always watching my mom as a child and tho I can't quite remember what she sewed, I know she sewed alot. I wanted to make the kids a taggie blanket since they're so obsessed with blankies. I got some really soft material from Hobby Lobby which was crazy expensive, but hey, it's a fun project regardless. Anyhow, here's the turtorials on how to make a taggie blanket. Before we get to the turtorial, here's some cute pics of Livi doing what she does best...playing with shoes! I swear my daughter has a shoe fettish. My shoes, her shoes, Bub's shoes....they're all hers. :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Fun Out there

So, I was off last night and my wonderfuul husband took a trip to the casino. After winning $7350.00 or so, and coming home at five AM, I let the little guy sleep. I took the kids to the park. Livi loved drinking a syrupy drink from Sonic...

Bub had to keep his coat on and become the "super hero BUB" when he threw his hood on...

After sliding down a few slides... 

Driving the car... 

Escaping from behind bars... 

Hiding from the villans...


HOODED!!! Gonna get the bad guys!!!!

As a child, I never had anyone following me after I was about eight years old, except for my dog Tippy. It scares me how kids now days are so grown up and don't experience the finer things in life like exploring and such. Today, we went to an old stomping ground, Lake Tyler Marina. It's been such a drought that it's impossible to think we can ever get the marina back. Maybe next Summer. :(