On another note, I did it...I finally bought the camera I've been wanting. For some time now, I've been saving up all my money that I get from doing artwork designs for our business and Dustin's dad. I've been searching and searching for just the right deal because it's a big decision. Not only was price a concern, but I wanted to get something that would last. So, I went with a Canon Rebel XS. It was $500 big bucks, but seems to be worth every penny so far. I've already learned alot of the features and it's pretty simple. Now all I need is to take a course on photography. Here are some of my first pics:
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Going away party
Well, it's official, today was my last day at RSH. I am truly going to miss the place. Not just the patients, but my great coworkers as well. It was like having an extended family up there because everyone is there for you when you need it. Especially my fellow treatment team secretaries were always there for me. The gang threw me a little going away party complete with a very yummy cake and drinks. My friend Amy couldn't be there because her cousin was having a baby. It's kinda sad that she wasn't there to see me off. I almost hated to leave the party, but I had to go complete my exit paperwork. I will miss everyone, but I hope that some of them will stay in contact with me. 
My going away cake

Chris Cheesin (I think she was happy to see me go...lol)

One of my really good friends, Diane

Dr. Guidry and Dr. Thompson

Me and my friend Anthony (he was my psychologist)

The originals...Ray, me, and Jennifer. Sadly Amy couldn't be there.

Connie cheesin

My boss Carrie

My good friend Chanda
On another note, I did it...I finally bought the camera I've been wanting. For some time now, I've been saving up all my money that I get from doing artwork designs for our business and Dustin's dad. I've been searching and searching for just the right deal because it's a big decision. Not only was price a concern, but I wanted to get something that would last. So, I went with a Canon Rebel XS. It was $500 big bucks, but seems to be worth every penny so far. I've already learned alot of the features and it's pretty simple. Now all I need is to take a course on photography. Here are some of my first pics:

A grasshopper in the pool (no he didn't make it

I love this pic of Livi...she looks so fat!

Bub with those fingers again
On another note, I did it...I finally bought the camera I've been wanting. For some time now, I've been saving up all my money that I get from doing artwork designs for our business and Dustin's dad. I've been searching and searching for just the right deal because it's a big decision. Not only was price a concern, but I wanted to get something that would last. So, I went with a Canon Rebel XS. It was $500 big bucks, but seems to be worth every penny so far. I've already learned alot of the features and it's pretty simple. Now all I need is to take a course on photography. Here are some of my first pics:
Sunday, June 27, 2010
How Sweet!
Since Dalton and Destiny stayed the night, I got woke up as soon as it was light out. Destiny popped into my room and was begging to go swimming, but since they had to be at church, I didn't let them. I felt really bad, but there will be other times that they can come over and play. I fixed breakfast for them and then they played and held Olivia until their mom and dad came to get them. We got a few cute pics of the kids holding her. Olivia really cooed and talked to them. It was so sweet.

As soon as they left though, we jumped into the pool. I bought Bub a little baby float which he liked for about five minutes. He kept wanting to jump out of it. I can't wait to get these swimming lessons in July. I took CPR at RSH, but I still get freaked out thinking about my child drowning. It's so scary. I practiced getting Bub to hold his breath when he went under water and he did good, but like I said, it's still scary. Bub wore his self out pretty quick and we took him in for a nap.

When he got up, my Aunt Thelma came over and visited. I haven't seen her for a while. She was down here for the Yesteryear parade here in Whitehouse. She was the grand marshal of the parade and got to be the lead car. I really wanted to go yesterday and see her in the parade, but we were busy with the pool. Here's a link to the website where it tells about her being in the parade. She was really making Olivia talk. It was so cute. I don't believe I've ever seen Olivia so happy. Aunt Thelma was joking that we don't take the pacifier out enough, so that's why we didn't know she could talk. She brought Olivia a cute little outfit with a little hat and bloomers. That was nice of her. I wish she didn't leave so far away because I enjoy visiting with her. I was looking at her and thinking how much she looks like daddy. It got me to missing him, but at least I still have her.
As soon as they left though, we jumped into the pool. I bought Bub a little baby float which he liked for about five minutes. He kept wanting to jump out of it. I can't wait to get these swimming lessons in July. I took CPR at RSH, but I still get freaked out thinking about my child drowning. It's so scary. I practiced getting Bub to hold his breath when he went under water and he did good, but like I said, it's still scary. Bub wore his self out pretty quick and we took him in for a nap.
When he got up, my Aunt Thelma came over and visited. I haven't seen her for a while. She was down here for the Yesteryear parade here in Whitehouse. She was the grand marshal of the parade and got to be the lead car. I really wanted to go yesterday and see her in the parade, but we were busy with the pool. Here's a link to the website where it tells about her being in the parade. She was really making Olivia talk. It was so cute. I don't believe I've ever seen Olivia so happy. Aunt Thelma was joking that we don't take the pacifier out enough, so that's why we didn't know she could talk. She brought Olivia a cute little outfit with a little hat and bloomers. That was nice of her. I wish she didn't leave so far away because I enjoy visiting with her. I was looking at her and thinking how much she looks like daddy. It got me to missing him, but at least I still have her.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Summer FUN!!
Well, we finally got everything together and got our set up today!!! Actually, last night, I stayed up and got the frame and everything put together so that we could start filling it up in the morning. The thing of it was, is that We didn't level the dirt enough Friday and needed one more foot or so around added. After we got more dirt added, we finally started filling it up around 1:00 or so. My niece and nephew was over since my brother in law was helping us out and they played in the pool while it was filling up. It was a lot of fun. I even put Noah in and he had a blast! I'm so amazed that we have a pool!! It's so neat to be able to go out and swim anytime I want.....AFTER the kids are settled down and me and Dusty can go out there together. I think this is really going to allow us to spend more time together. After the kiddos go to sleep, we can go lounge and look at the stars (amoung other things...he he he).
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Messy Bub
Let me tell you, Bub can be really messy sometimes. I gave him a chicken taquito, but he wasn't eating it, so I gave him some toast and a bit of roast beef with gravy. I went into the living room and when I walked back into the kitchen, he had somehow managed to get the gravy all over the place. I couldn't help but laugh. He was just laughing and thought he was funny. I've really got to figure out how to get him to stop playing with his food, but the way I figure it, he's still learning and getting used to silverware, so what's the harm in having a little fun every now and then? That's how they learn, by doing it themselves, right?

Oh and it was Bub's first visit to the dentist today!! I took off work at one and picked up the kids and Dustin. I dropped Dustin and Livi off at home and me and Bub left for the dentist. I forgot my camera, so I don't have a picture of his first trip, but he did good. Apparently, I've been doing all the right things and got commended for Bub not being on the bottle at his age. Apparently, the dentist's helper said, some of the kids that came in were much older than Noah and still on the bottle. Hmmmm....
Anyhow, he was awesome and only tried to get down a little bit, but did good for the most part. He got a little frog toy as a prize. That was cute and nice of them to give him, but I got to looking at the frog after the lady left the room and it was so dirty. It had dirt in it's little creases. I wonder exactly what kind of prize a dirty frog is, but hey, it's washable I supose. I'm glad he didn't stick it in his mouth like he usually does. :(

Oh and it was Bub's first visit to the dentist today!! I took off work at one and picked up the kids and Dustin. I dropped Dustin and Livi off at home and me and Bub left for the dentist. I forgot my camera, so I don't have a picture of his first trip, but he did good. Apparently, I've been doing all the right things and got commended for Bub not being on the bottle at his age. Apparently, the dentist's helper said, some of the kids that came in were much older than Noah and still on the bottle. Hmmmm....
Anyhow, he was awesome and only tried to get down a little bit, but did good for the most part. He got a little frog toy as a prize. That was cute and nice of them to give him, but I got to looking at the frog after the lady left the room and it was so dirty. It had dirt in it's little creases. I wonder exactly what kind of prize a dirty frog is, but hey, it's washable I supose. I'm glad he didn't stick it in his mouth like he usually does. :(
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Slide Time
I went and met with the TMF HR woman and we discussed salary. Let's just say that I'm going to be making well over what I am now. That is such a plus! I can't believe that I'm finally going to get paid based on my experience and not the "base pay" that everyone starts at. What helped me get more money is the shift differential for working nights. What luck! Anyhow, it took FOREVER to get my drug test. I went and signed in and sat down and it was then that I noticed that everyone looked pissed off in the waiting room. One guy was even asleep! I actually knew the man, but I didn't want to wake him from his slumber. After what seemed like a good forty five minutes, I got called in. I did my business, signed my name, and was out in five minutes. FIVE MINUTES people!!! What the "F" took so long in the first place? I have never understood that. I left and made my way back to work. I stopped at the chinese place in Jville just to get a little Lo Mein and ended up with a to go box full of goodies. Dustin and I are on a no eating out kick, but I spluged today. We have been doing great. In two weeks, we've saved pretty much two hundred dollars or so, just by not eating out. Isn't that awesome?
After I got off work, I took little Bubbaloo out for a little playtime before bed. He just loves going down the slide backwards. It stresses me out a little bit, but he's a tough little guy.

After I got off work, I took little Bubbaloo out for a little playtime before bed. He just loves going down the slide backwards. It stresses me out a little bit, but he's a tough little guy.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Our Anniversary & GOOD NEWS
Well, we have been together for eleven years today, and married three years. To us, even though we've only been married for a few years, we only count that we've been together eleven years. After being together this long, it was kinda one of those things where we wished each other a happy anniversary and that was it. I did make Dusty one of his favorite meals...sour cream chicken enchiladas with rice and beans. It would have been nice to skip work, but my coworker and friend Jennifer was on vacation with her family and I was responsible for her work, so I did the responsible thing and didn't call in. It's hard to get someone to watch the kids that we trust. We don't get many offers since we've had Olivia. It doesn't really matter though. The way we figure it, we love our little ones and one day we'll be able to have some alone time. Livi is starting to sleep through the night, so that gives us from 8pm until we go to sleep, which is nice. We mainly snuggle on the couch and watch the boob tube or play a game of cards or something. On another note...
I got the call around lunch today. It's ironic because I was looking the TMF website and noticed that the job had disappeared. I knew for a fact that it meant they had filled the position. So I called the HR dept and talked to the woman and she kinda got rude with me and asked me if she didn't explain how the employment process worked. Long story short, she said she would call me if there was any word from the director. Well, not ten minutes later, I got a call from Bonnie, just giving me a heads up that they had just turned in the paperwork (that's why the job had disapeared off the site) and they wanted me to join the team!! I was elated. Anyhow, while I was still on the phone with Bonnie, the TMF HR woman was calling me, so Bonnie let me answer the other line. It was the woman I had just talked to and she was letting me know that they have choose me for the job. I didn't tell her that I was just on the phone with Bonnie and I'm not sure why, but I just let it go. She explained to me the next steps and said I would need to come in and have a drug test done in the morning. I went and talked to my boss and she was happy for me. I told her that it was her fault that I got the job because she gave me such a good performance evaluation (which I gave to Bonnie at the end of the interview). I'm just so excited to get started. I hope I know what I'm getting myself into. :)
I got the call around lunch today. It's ironic because I was looking the TMF website and noticed that the job had disappeared. I knew for a fact that it meant they had filled the position. So I called the HR dept and talked to the woman and she kinda got rude with me and asked me if she didn't explain how the employment process worked. Long story short, she said she would call me if there was any word from the director. Well, not ten minutes later, I got a call from Bonnie, just giving me a heads up that they had just turned in the paperwork (that's why the job had disapeared off the site) and they wanted me to join the team!! I was elated. Anyhow, while I was still on the phone with Bonnie, the TMF HR woman was calling me, so Bonnie let me answer the other line. It was the woman I had just talked to and she was letting me know that they have choose me for the job. I didn't tell her that I was just on the phone with Bonnie and I'm not sure why, but I just let it go. She explained to me the next steps and said I would need to come in and have a drug test done in the morning. I went and talked to my boss and she was happy for me. I told her that it was her fault that I got the job because she gave me such a good performance evaluation (which I gave to Bonnie at the end of the interview). I'm just so excited to get started. I hope I know what I'm getting myself into. :)
Sunday, June 20, 2010
2nd Father's Day
Well, I tried to get Dustin something for father's day, but it's kinda hard to be sneaky when we're always together. He kept telling me he didn't want anything for father's day, so instead of getting him something, I gave him the day off. I let him sleep in and while he was sleeping, I got Noah and Livi to help me make his card. I took paint and put it on Livi's feet and Bub's hands and pressed them to a sheet of scrapbooking paper and made a card. I then made him a breakfast of eggs, sausage, and bluberry pancakes. He was so surprised when he woke up. It was a special day. I also let him have the day "off" and took care of the kids while daddy got to take a nice long nap. Dustin is such a wonderful father. I love him so much. I always knew that he would be a great daddy, but he has surpassed my expectations. He plays with the kids everyday, he wipes thier boogers as well as their booties with no complaints, and he is just a super dad. I love watching him play with the kids and it's especially sweet when Bub gets tired and he climbs up in daddy's lap and stays there until he falls asleep. I just love my family.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Garage Sale Junkie
I was in the mood for a hashbrown, so Livi and I snuck out and went to McDonalds to get the whole family breakfast. On the way back, I noticed a garage sale at the end of our street, so I thought I'd check it out. I hit the baby toy jackpot. There was tons of toys, but I was mainly interested in the plastic fort with a slide and toy car. I got both of them for $17.00. I put the car in my trunk and slowly drove off and the older couple who was having the sale told me they would bring me the fort later in the afternoon. I was so eager to get home so Bub could play with the car. He loved it. He thinks it's funny when I say "beep, beep" and honk his playlike horn. At the end of the day, the older couple brought the fort and Bub got to play on it. He was so excited. I love buying new toys for the Bub.
Bub cleaning his sidewalk off so he can drive on it....what a silly head

Itching to go!

"OK mom, get out of the way, I'm going for a drive"

"Adios, mama"

Sunday, June 13, 2010
Fingers Crossed
Well, it's only two days until my interview at mother francis. I got a call on the 10th and the lady, Bonnie, wanted me to come interview on the 15th for the Unit Secretary position. I set it up so I could go after work, so that was considerate of her to let me do. This job would be 7pm to 7am with a rotating schedule. There was something mentioned about being on call, but I don't see nothing wrong with that. I'm so excited. I would really love this job because it's in the Labor and Delivery department. Bonnie sounded really nice. I have a really good feeling about this one. The only reason I found this job is because I was applying Dustin for a Transporter job and just happen to see this job description and thought it sounded good. I guess I'm ready for a change. When I got back from maternity leave, I didn't get my female patients back and I'm not sure why. My boss said she had given it a lot of thought and felt that she wanted me to take on another caseload. I was bummed, but hey, if that's what she wants, I'm not going to argue. I would hate to leave the hospital because I love it so much there, but this job would be closer to home, the hours are awesome (I'm a night owl), I would get to be off for three or four days in a row so that means that me and Dustin would actually get to spend some time together like we used to. Although, spending some alone time together might get us into trouble...if you know what I mean...he he he. We'll see. I have my fingers crossed. :)

"Yeah, I'm a cutie, what of it?"
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Bub, Olivia, and I went to Dustin's brother's wife, Candice's house today. She offered to give me a small playpen with a bassinet on top and I had the opportunity to go get it so, off we went. Noah got to play with his cousin Gavin who is one month older than him and Carlie who just turned five (I think). Anyhow, it was a nice visit, but we had to get home to daddy and cook him supper. I was going to stop at Brookshires while I was in Overton, but with two kids, I decided to go home and grab Dusty to go with me to the Brookshires in Overton. I will say that having two kids is a bit hard at times. It's almost easier to just stay home and not get out, but then we would starve to death, now wouldn't we? I'm sure it will get easier one day...gulp, I hope. :)

Friday, June 11, 2010
Bad Habit
Noah used a pacifier until he was like four months old, but it was easy to break him from it. He's always put those two little fingers in his mouth, but it was one of those sleepy time things that he did when he was ready for bed. I've noticed that he does it now without being sleepy. I think it's a comfort thing because I noticed it when he moved to another class at daycare and he was the little one in the group. I don't know what's worse, finger sucking or having a pacifier. It's no big deal I suppose, but it seems unsanitary. I hope he isn't still sucking on his fingers when he's three or four years old.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
It was time for Bub's bath and I thought, hey, why not throw both the kids in and get it done at the same time...It was an adventure. Let's just say that it's probably best to just do one baby at a time till they get older. Bub was trying to swim and Livi was trying to wiggle around because Bub was splashing her. But, it was fun either way.I ended up soaked to the bone, but it was well worth it because I was enjoying my little babies.
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