Sunday, May 30, 2010
Bub's first time eating cereal
What a big boy. Today we tried cereal and Bub loved it! Still a little messy with the spoon though. If only he would eat this everyday...I've got tons of cereal from WIC that we need to hurry up and eat.

Friday, May 28, 2010
Hard Work
Well, we woke up at 6:00am this morning because we decided to fence in our backyard so that we could put a pool back there.It had been a project of ours for a long time. My sister's husband said he would help, so he got to our house around 6:30am on the dot. Jody has always been a stickler for being punctual. Dustin and Jody worked so hard all day. Crystal brought the kids over and my Mary came over and we swam around in Noah's kiddie pool and visited. My mom even came over before the end of the day. It was a good day. We really enjoyed visiting and especially enjoyed getting our fence put up finally. Next weekend we're crossing our fingers and hoping we get a pool put up. That's going to be so nice.

Just getting started...

Looking Good!

Ta da!!!

Me with Bub, Olivia, Dalton, and Destiny

Destiny wanting to pose in our tree

Mom holding Olivia

Mary and Doc Doc being silly

Crystal posing with DeeAnn

DeeAnn looking cutenin'
Thursday, May 27, 2010
All Thumbs
Noah is still learning how to use silverware, but this morning I believe that he's finally getting the concept of a spoon. He ate strawberry oatmeal before I took him to daycare. As you see, I took his clothes off because he can be a bit messy at times.

Yummy Oatmeal

Noah's starting to get the hang of it

Opps! Guess it's easier than a spoon!
After we got home, we thought we'd see if Noah could hold Olivia. He didn't really ever hold her, he just wanted to pet her head. It was so cute.

We tried the spoon again at dinner with mashed potatoes and didn't do so well. Trial and error I suppose.
After we got home, we thought we'd see if Noah could hold Olivia. He didn't really ever hold her, he just wanted to pet her head. It was so cute.
We tried the spoon again at dinner with mashed potatoes and didn't do so well. Trial and error I suppose.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Mommy and Olivia day!
My paperwork didn't get signed by the doctor, so I lucked out again and got to have the day off! Livi and I went outside around 9:30am and enjoyed the fresh cool air outside. We snuggled up on our blanket and watched birds. We had a "photo shoot" and I got some really good pictures. She has really started cooing and it is so cute. I just love my baby Olivia!!!

First Day back to work
It was my first day back to work today. Long story short.....I was supposed to be on maternity leave from March 26th THROUGH May 19th. So, after talking to my boss, I decided to go home since I wasn't supposed to be at work anyways. I was supposed to be cleared before coming back, so the paperwork was sent over to my doctor's office to fill out. I actually wasn't ready to go back to work yet and was a little sad to leave my baby with her daddy, so it worked out!

Me posing with the kiddos for my "first" day back to work
So, after I came home from work, Dustin was happy to see me. It was his first day with Livi, so he was a little apprehensive about the whole thing. Lucky me, he gave me Livi and I got to change a poopy diaper right off the bat. Anyhow, we decided to make the most of the day, so we decided to go to Wal-Mart to buy Noah a little pool and sandbox. We couldn't wait for him to get home from daycare, so we went to get him early. First we let him play in the sandbox and then we let him get in the pool. He was so excited about the pool that he kept trying to dance and it made him slip. It was kinda scary because we're not sure if we should just let him go or not (we chose not), but I kept reminding myself that I know CPR if anything should happen, although I'm scared that if anything happens, I'll panic and not know what to do. Bub made it out alive and after he had a bath, decided to play in momma's shoes while I cooked dinner. Wish I wore heels, cause that would have been a funny picture.

So, after I came home from work, Dustin was happy to see me. It was his first day with Livi, so he was a little apprehensive about the whole thing. Lucky me, he gave me Livi and I got to change a poopy diaper right off the bat. Anyhow, we decided to make the most of the day, so we decided to go to Wal-Mart to buy Noah a little pool and sandbox. We couldn't wait for him to get home from daycare, so we went to get him early. First we let him play in the sandbox and then we let him get in the pool. He was so excited about the pool that he kept trying to dance and it made him slip. It was kinda scary because we're not sure if we should just let him go or not (we chose not), but I kept reminding myself that I know CPR if anything should happen, although I'm scared that if anything happens, I'll panic and not know what to do. Bub made it out alive and after he had a bath, decided to play in momma's shoes while I cooked dinner. Wish I wore heels, cause that would have been a funny picture.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Date Night
Last night Dustin's parents watched Noah and Olivia for the night. We had our first date night in over a year. We went to Jacksonville to eat at Posados, but as soon as we got there, we heard an alarm and as it turned out, the lights had just went off and they were running on generators. We finally left and went to eat at The Jalapeno tree. I was so disappointed that we didn't eat at Posados because I have found my new favorite thing there...Verde Enchiladas. It's a cheese enchilada covered with a sweet verde sauce. Dustin doesn't see what is so great about it, but me...I love it! Anyhow, we had dinner and drank a beer. After that we went to my sister's house just to say hi and then it was off to our house. Sadly, there's nothing juicy to tell, we pretty much went straight to bed, but it was AWESOME! I haven't had a full nights rest since I was like six months pregnant! We woke up this morning and just laid there enjoying the sounds of silence. It is a joy to have kids, but it is heaven sent to get a restful night's sleep. We went and picked up Olivia and let his parent's take Noah to his cousin Carlie's birthday party. When Noah got home from the party, he went straight to bed. Dustin's Aunt Jackie gave Noah a Tigger that does sommersaults and sings. When Noah got up from his nap he went straight over to it and kisssed it on the nose. So, Dustin turned Tigger on to see if Noah would like it and the poor baby was scared to death of it. He started crying and running away from it. I'm not into torturing my child, but we couldnt stop making Tigger do sommersaults. We were rolling in the floor laughing. Who knew that the sweet Tigger would be some child's worst nightmare!

Thursday, May 13, 2010
That's why I have children
I checked in on Noah before we went to bed last night and the poor thing was laying in his crib wide awake. We suspect that it takes him a while to drift off to sleep (like his daddy) because this isn't the first time. Anyhow, I grabbed a Dr. Seuss book called Dr. Seuss's ABC's and started reading it to him and we got to a page where it said "Goo Goo Goggles" and he started cracking up. I kept repeating the word and you would have thought that I was the funniest mama ever. Dustin and I got such a good laugh out of it that we were in tears. Oh the joys of having children! I wouldn't take anything for moments like that.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Look! Another Baby Mama!
I got the mirror out for Olivia today and got some good pictures. It kept her entertained for only ten minutes, but it was fun never the less. Olivia is starting to lose her hair I noticed. That's what makes Olivia so cute is her fuzzy hair! Oh well, I supose it will grow back eventually. Bubaloo has just now got a full head of hair after a year and a half!

Monday, May 10, 2010
Things I love about my babies
Things I love about Noah...
1. The way he dances when he hears a commercial he likes (especially the pop tart one)
2. The way he smiles and shows off all his teeth when he's trying to be silly
3. The way he does a little dance when he gets food that he likes
4. The way he looks at me or Dustin just before he does something bad
5. The way he sneaks into the kitchen to come help me cook dinner
6. The way he wants to get in my lap while I'm holding sissy so that he can get some loving too
7. The excitement on his face when he sees me or Dustin come in to pick him up from daycare
8. Talking gibberish like he thinks we understand
9. The way he is constantly learning new skills or new words. Makes me a proud Mama!!
10. His strong passion for fruit cups!
11. His fat little feet and bushy little eyebrows
Things I love about Olivia...
1. The way her face looks when she stretches real big
2. Our constant cat naps during the day
3. The way she raises her head to look at me when I hold her in the crook of my arm before she falls asleep
4. Her little sqeaks when she's happy
5. Putting bows on her because she's my little princess
6. Dressing her up in pretty little outfits
7. The way she smells...courtesy of Baby Magic
8. Her little grunts that sound like billy goat gruff
9. The way she smiles (gas or not, it's still adorable!)
10. Her kissable little chubby cheeks!
11. The way that only I can calm her down when she's upset
1. The way he dances when he hears a commercial he likes (especially the pop tart one)
2. The way he smiles and shows off all his teeth when he's trying to be silly
3. The way he does a little dance when he gets food that he likes
4. The way he looks at me or Dustin just before he does something bad
5. The way he sneaks into the kitchen to come help me cook dinner
6. The way he wants to get in my lap while I'm holding sissy so that he can get some loving too
7. The excitement on his face when he sees me or Dustin come in to pick him up from daycare
8. Talking gibberish like he thinks we understand
9. The way he is constantly learning new skills or new words. Makes me a proud Mama!!
10. His strong passion for fruit cups!
11. His fat little feet and bushy little eyebrows
1. The way her face looks when she stretches real big
2. Our constant cat naps during the day
3. The way she raises her head to look at me when I hold her in the crook of my arm before she falls asleep
4. Her little sqeaks when she's happy
5. Putting bows on her because she's my little princess
6. Dressing her up in pretty little outfits
7. The way she smells...courtesy of Baby Magic
8. Her little grunts that sound like billy goat gruff
9. The way she smiles (gas or not, it's still adorable!)
10. Her kissable little chubby cheeks!
11. The way that only I can calm her down when she's upset
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mother's Day
Dustin and my babies made Mother's Day very special. First he took the baby monitor the night before so that I could sleep in and he woke me up with a scrumpcious breakfast he made himself (or IHOP Then he gave me the charm bracelet I had my eye on for sometime at Hallmark. He picked it out himself with the help of Noah and Olivia of course. It's so cute. It has my birthstones on it and my favorite thing about it is the two little figures that represent Noah and Olivia. He did a great job. I've really got to step it up for father's day!
The day before my mom and sister sent me cards through the mail and they were both really special. Especially my mom's message...It really touched my heart. It was short and sweet, but coming from my mom, it meant alot. I ordered my mom two Scentsy plugins that should be in soon. If she had told me sooner that she wanted that, I could've ordered it in time for Mother's Day. Mary and me went in together to get it for her. I also took her a bottle of perfume and a card and left it on her door step since she was out of pocket.

We went to Dustin's mom's house and dropped off her card and got to see Dustin's sister Kim and his niece Kaylen. Kim hadn't got to see Olivia yet, so it was a special treat for her.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
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